First off, congrats on the ultra! That’s a huge accomplishment.

Second, this is a great post (I’m gonna include it in this week’s newsletter)—ultimately, we are our own best advocate, cheerleader, and fan. Sometimes it’s weird to state that fact—and taken to an extreme it can be off-putting—but the healthy sort of personal review and assessment you are talking about is on-point and easily overlooked by many.

I have a good friend with the surname Anderson. His family motto is this: “Anderson’s show up.” It’s simple but there’s something to that idea that vibes with what you’ve communicated. You show up, do the thing, reflect on it and move on. Everything else is gravy. He once told me he placed 5th in a marathon. I said, “Dude that’s amazing!” He responded coolly: “Normally there’d be a hundred people, but there was a rain storm and only six people came out. I just happened to show up.” :-)

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